Three days into 1940 on the 20th anniversary of their wedding, NINO and TERESA ROLFE beg in to keep diaries, expressing the most intimate and private thougli ts on paper in the hope that some-how these thoughts wiIl be communicated to their spouse. Nino wants his wife, 18 yeors younger than he, to open up her soul, sex-ually; to join with him without inhibitions, and writes of bizarre sex-ual fantasies. When he discovers that Teresa and their daughter LI-ZA's fiancè Laslo ore attracted to each other, he tries to stimulate an affair by taking Iewd photos of Teresa and hoving Laslo deveiop them. The plot works, and Nino's excitement is fanned by flames of jeal-ousy. But then begins to eat at his soul and ruins his health. DR. FA-NO warns Nino h e has high biood pressure, and sexuai relations ore risky. Having read Nino's dia ry regulariy, Teresa Is aware of this as weiI. But now, free of the self-imposed morol restrictions and guilt that have burdened her sexualiy oli her Iife, she wants to re pay Nino gratefully for the world he has opened to her. During a nig h t of erot-ic love, Nino suffers a stroke and becomes partially paraiyzed. Jealous of ther mother relationship with her fiancè, Liza reads her mother's diary to her father, detailing the many sexual encounters Teresa has had with [oslo. Nino dies, but Teresa is certain that he gas gone with a deeper realization and understanding of her needs ever before. They were right for each other.
- O Filmu: Miranda (1985) Objavljeno 21 June, 2016. In this erotic comedy, Miranda is the landlady of a small country tavern who is looking for a husband, and tries out a variety of men for size.
- Tinto Brass Filmovi Sa Prevodom Vajar. Share ← Previous Next → Create your profile.
- Un Altro film del maestro Italiano del Erotismo, Tinto Brass.
Tinto Bras Filmovi Sa Prevodom 1
Three days into 1940 on the 20th anniversary of their wedding, NINO and TERESA ROLFE beg in to keep diaries, expressing the most intimate and private thougli ts on paper in the hope that some-how these thoughts wiIl be communicated to their spouse. Nino wants his wife, 18 yeors younger than he, to open up her soul, sex-ually; to join with him without inhibitions, and writes of bizarre sex-ual fantasies. When he discovers that Teresa and their daughter LI-ZA's fiancè Laslo ore attracted to each other, he tries to stimulate an affair by taking Iewd photos of Teresa and hoving Laslo deveiop them. The plot works, and Nino's excitement is fanned by flames of jeal-ousy. But then begins to eat at his soul and ruins his health. DR. FA-NO warns Nino h e has high biood pressure, and sexuai relations ore risky. Having read Nino's dia ry regulariy, Teresa Is aware of this as weiI. But now, free of the self-imposed morol restrictions and guilt that have burdened her sexualiy oli her Iife, she wants to re pay Nino gratefully for the world he has opened to her. During a nig h t of erot-ic love, Nino suffers a stroke and becomes partially paraiyzed. Jealous of ther mother relationship with her fiancè, Liza reads her mother's diary to her father, detailing the many sexual encounters Teresa has had with [oslo. Nino dies, but Teresa is certain that he gas gone with a deeper realization and understanding of her needs ever before. They were right for each other.
Tinto Bras Filmovi Sa Prevodom Na
FRIVOLOUS LOLA a film by Tinto Brass. MIRANDA a film by Tinto Brass. MONAMOUR a film by Tinto Brass. THE KEY a film by Tinto Brass. TRANSGRESSING a film by Tinto Brass. Kljuc Thekey 1983 Tinto Brass Film Za Gledanje Author: trevcepit Keywords: trevcepit Created Date: 4:02:29 PM.